Управление на проекти.Решения в интериора. Изработка на уникални продукти.

Steges of Owners that they have passed through from the beggining to the end of the project

 Very interesting are the stages through which  each owner passe through in project implementation. 

 The main are 11 with multiple shades depending on the nature and temperament of the owner (depends of correctly selected contractor):  

 1. Distrust and hesitation about the selected contractor for the project (if you work with him for the first time);  

 2. Euphoria from the start of the project;  

 3. Confusion and stress in advance and in time of doing the preparatory and construction activities (implementation of these activities are related to destruction and demolition, the site usually looks like  bombed area

4. Apathy - coincides with the start of actual construction Activities section;

5. Nervous (making the actual construction activities  is the longest stage of the project), it seems to owner  that nothing happens with this project;

6. Apathy;

7. Aversion to everything connected with the project - contractors, architects, designers, suppliers, including things that depend directly from him.
 Concoincides with the stage of finishing, assembling and final touches to the project; 

8. Apathy;

9. Feeling that this hell will never end;

10. The feeling that you are betrayed and deceived and the wish  this project never started at all.

11. Sweet tranquility and fatigue - after finishing the project.